Inspired By Fashion

Polish-born Kasia Bromley began her career at legendary fashion house Alexander McQueen after graduating in womenswear from the Edinburgh College of Art.

Integral to the team behind Sarah Burton’s iconic “Butterfly Dress”, Kasia’s journey into the world of women’s clothing started in the elite space, designing and creating couture.

“As a young designer I envisaged having my creations displayed on catwalks,” remembers Kasia.

But following a move to Scotland and a role with a men’s sportswear brand, Kasia’s career took a different path: “I was spending all my free time out in the glorious landscapes of the Highlands, but becoming increasingly frustrated that my wardrobe wasn’t supporting this lifestyle.

“As a fashion student I wouldn't be seen dead in traditional walking gear! Yet amongst serious hikers and climbers I was ridiculed for wearing leggings and a cool t-shirt. I felt judged, out of place and quite uncomfortable.

“For me, the outdoors should be accessible; a place where women can feel free and safe, not self-conscious.

“So I had this 'f**k you' moment... I’m going to change this!”

Rooted in Nature

Working in fashion, Kasia saw clothing manufacturers letting women down: “What I witnessed was ‘shrink and pink’! Brands were simply taking their designs for men’s outdoor attire and making them smaller and changing the colour to appeal to women.

“I wanted my designs to give the wearer the same feeling of cut, flattery and style as couture fashion, but be purposeful, supporting an outdoorsy lifestyle.

“Instead of seeing my designs on the catwalk, I wanted to spot real women wearing them in the hills out hiking, on the beach, by the campfire or simply weekending.

“I was determined to be the change-maker in this space.”

Inclusive Women’s Outdoorwear

Alongside her co-founder and husband Joe Bromley, Kasia set about building a brand which would fill a gaping hole in the women’s clothing market.

ACAI was born from a vision of creating an adventure wardrobe for women, with features required to be fit for purpose in the outdoors, as well as style, modern colours and versatility.

“Inclusivity has, and always will be, an ACAI hallmark,” says Kasia. “Our sizing reflects the diversity of women’s shapes, giving the wearer confidence through superior fit.

“It’s the cut of the cloth that’s our point of difference; shaped to fit the female form and create flattering silhouettes.”

Starting with the Skinny Outdoor Trousers, the positive reviews for ACAI’s inaugural piece came flooding in.

Made for Adventure

ACAI launched online in 2017 and today celebrates a diverse collection of active outdoor clothing for women.

The brand is on a mission to change the landscape of women’s hiking wear, designing purposeful clothing that’s shaped for women and made for adventure.

The future will see ACAI build on this success with an ever-growing wardrobe to inspire women to get outdoors, and give them the confidence and support to do so.

“Our brand offers the magical combination of performance and fit, with style and shape delicately embedded into each and every garment,” says Kasia. 

“We’re creating a growing community of women owning their space in the outdoors.”