Purple Dot is a waitlisting platform that allows you to be the first to get your hands on ACAI Outdoorwear’s next great item. Purple Dot will keep you in the loop the whole time.



What do I need to provide when I make a purchase?

You will need to provide your email, shipping address and card details. All communications will be sent to your email address, including details of how to cancel and any updates of your pre-order.

What are my payment options with Purple Dot?

Purple Dot accepts all the major card networks - Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

What happens if I cancel or return my pre-order?

You can cancel at any time, you will receive an email confirming the refund and should see the money back in your account in 3-5 business days.

Can I change my email or shipping address?

Yes! Send an email to team@acaioutdoorwear.com with your updated details and a member of the customer service team will get this updated for you. You will then receive an updated pre-order confirmation email.

Is my payment information safe?

Payment information is processed securely by Stripe. No card details are transferred to or held by Pocket Sport or Purple Dot. All transactions take place via connections secured with the latest industry-standard security protocols.

I have cancelled my pre-order. How long will it take until I receive my refund?

Once you have cancelled your pre-order, your refund will be processed within 3-5 business days.

I have asked for a refund. How will I be refunded?

Refunds are issued back to the debit or credit card or ACAI Gift Card used at checkout.