The Outdoorsing Fund

Authenticity is critical to Kasia’s vision for ACAI. That means not just creating outdoorwear which delivers on its promise of supporting women through fit and functionality. But also facilitating opportunities so women can get into nature; bringing down the barriers of cost and confidence.
Behind creating these opportunities is the Outdoorsing Fund...
What is the Outdoorsing Fund?

What has The Outdoorsing Fund achieved so far?
Research shows that getting into nature just once a week can work wonders for a woman’s mental and physical health.
In its inaugural year, ACAI’s Outdoorsing Fund was overwhelmed with interest from passionate partners, outdoor leaders and women keen to give Outdoorsing a go.
Outdoorsing Fund Projects

Women's Outdoor Community

Outdoor Community

Free Outdoor Activities Across UK
Who does the Outdoorsing Fund support?
Our funding supports getting more women into nature via two carefully chosen means:
Community Groups
The Outdoorsing Fund works with women's outdoor community groups which have a strong, nationwide reach across the UK. Sponsorship is given so these groups can offer free to access meet-ups where women are supported in an open environment.
ACAI Outdoorsing Club
Born out of the fund, the Outdoorsing Club runs free events throughout the year where women can get into nature in a companionable group, led by a qualified outdoor leader and ACAI Ambassador. The Outdoorsing Fund ensures those leaders are paid fairly for their time and expenses.
Apply for funding
If you run a community group or want to pass on your skills as an outdoor leader, then we’d love to hear from you. So please do get in touch if either of the following applies to you?
If you’re seeking a partner for your community group or project, then ACAI would love to be your headline supporter, or champion on individual projects.
Your community or project must:
- Be a welcoming and open community for women
- Have nationwide reach or aim to scale up the group
- Offer free-to-access events
- Demonstrate safety and safeguarding policies for attendees
- Seek to support under-represented groups.
Become an Outdoorsing Club leader
Qualified, female outdoor leaders who are interested in becoming an ACAI Ambassador hosting our free, Outdoorsing Club events should reach out to our team.
NB: The safety of our event attendees is paramount to ACAI. So we require a CRB check, proof of qualifications, insurance certificates and risk assessments from our Ambassadors.