Authenticity is critical to Kasia’s vision for ACAI. That means not just creating outdoorwear which delivers on its promise of supporting women through fit and functionality. But also facilitating opportunities so women can get into nature; bringing down the barriers of cost and confidence. 

Behind creating these opportunities is the Outdoorsing Fund...

What is the Outdoorsing Fund?

ACAI is on a mission to inspire more women to get outdoors. Why? Because spending time in nature has a huge impact on wellbeing. When we delved into the reasons women hesitate getting into nature, having the correct kit was just the start. ‘Wanting someone to go with’ and ‘Lack of confidence’ were also key to their uncertainty (Ref. Love Her Wild Survey). Our founder Kasia felt compelled to change this, using ACAI’s position as one of the UK’s leading women’s outdoorwear brands to break down barriers. Funded via donations from ACAI, The Outdoorsing Fund was launched in Autumn 2022. Its goal is to support women’s outdoor communities in hosting free events that boost women’s confidence and skills, and create safe spaces to meet like-minded folk.

What has The Outdoorsing Fund achieved so far?

Research shows that getting into nature just once a week can work wonders for a woman’s mental and physical health. 

In its inaugural year, ACAI’s Outdoorsing Fund was overwhelmed with interest from passionate partners, outdoor leaders and women keen to give Outdoorsing a go. 

Outdoorsing Fund Projects

Here are a few examples of projects and charitable organisations we have supported

Women's Outdoor Community


Outdoor Community


Free Outdoor Activities Across UK


Who does the Outdoorsing Fund support?

Apply for funding

Become an Outdoorsing Club leader